Insurance Contracts Act
- Review of the Insurance Contracts Act 1930
- General Insurance Principles
- Agreement and termination
- Mandatory rules
- Distance selling rules
Presenting INCOTERMS® 2020
- Explaining the interaction with CISG and clauses on delivery and passing of risk
- Interaction with transport contract and payment terms, including L/C
- Cargo insurance during transit
- Future development of INCOTERMS® rules
What has been the Climate Change in recent years and what is happening right now ?
- How are the latest scenarios expected to influence the climate in Denmark until year 2100, and what are the positive and negative effects ?
- Are damages cause by bad weather insurable also in the future ?
Economic Sanctions
- Economic Sanctions
- International Rules. Implementation in Denmark
- Screening
- Special rules in certain countries. OFAC
- Sanctions for violations
Execution of agreements. Choice of Law
- Mains elements of agreements
- Standard clauses (Boiler Plates)
- CISG and International contracts for sale of goods
- Delivery and passing of risk
- Mutual performance – security
Cross-border insurance
- Explanation of important differences in legislation, both regulatory and contract law
- Adaptation of insurance conditions to local legislation
- Choice of law and mandatory rules of law
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